Ph.D Students

Brett Marek

Brett Marek

Alumni: Texas A&M University, B.S.
Focus: Marine fish ichthyocarbonate production

I received my bachelor’s degree in marine biology from Texas A&M University at Galveston in 2022. I did undergraduate research there which involved the analysis of beach sediments for th presence of anthropogenic pollutants like PAH's and PCBs.

My current research project at RSMAS is focusing on marine fish ichthyocarbonate production and translating that research into impacts on the marine carbon cyle and climate change.

Sarah Wells

Sarah Walls

Alumni: University of Miami, M.S.
Focus: Climate change effects on fish physiology

Sarah receieved her Bachelor of Sciene at the University of Mississippi. She continued her education at the University of Miami for her master's with the Grosell Lab. Her master's research was focused on the organic coating layer of ichthyocarbonates - fish produced carbonates. Sarah's first project of her PhD is focused on ichthyocarbonate elemental composition and morphology throughout the regions of the fish intestine. Sarah's overarching interest is climate change effects on fish physiology.
