Book Contributions

9) Grosell, M. 2019. Carbon dioxide. Fish Physiology, Vol 37. Eds: Grosell, Munday, Farrell and Brauner.

8) Grosell, M. 2019. CO2 and calcification processes in fish. In: Fish Physiology. Vol 37 Carbon dioxide. Eds: Grosell, Munday, Farrell and Brauner. pp 133-160. 

7) Larsen, E.H., L.E. Deaton, H. Onken, M. O'Donnell, M. Grosell, W.H. Dantzler, and D. Weihrauch. 2014. Osmoregulation and Excretion. In: Comprehensive Physiology. Vol. 4(2). Wiley-Blackwell, New Jersey. pp. 405-573.

6) Grosell, M. 2011. Copper. In: Homeostasis and Toxicology of Essential Metals. Vol. 31A. C.M. Wood, A.P. Farrell, and C.J. Brauner (eds.). Academic Press, London. pp. 53-133. 

2011 – Fish Physiology: Homeostasis and Toxicology of Essnetial Metals, Volume 31A 1st Edition 
              Editors: Chris Wood, Anthony Farrell, Colin Brauner
              Academic Press
              28th July 2011
                       Chapter 2 (pgs. 53 – 133) 

               Homeostasis and Toxicology of Essential Metals, Volume 31A 1st Edition

5) Grosell, M. 2010. The role of the gastrointestinal tract in salt and water balance. In: Fish Physiology. Vol. 30. The Multifunctional Gut of Fish. M. Grosell, T. Farrell, and C. Brauner (eds.). Academic Press, London. pp. 135-164.

2010 – Fish Physiology: The Multifunctional Gut of Fish, Volume 30 1st Edition  
              Editors: Martin Grosell, Anthony Farrell, Colin Brauner
              Academic Press
              21st September 2010
                       Chapter 4 (pgs. 135 – 164)

                The Multifunctional Gut of Fish, Volume 30 1st Edition                                 


4) Stewart, R., M. Grosell, D. Buchwalter, N. Fisher, S. Luoma, T. Mathews, P. Orr, and W.X. Wang. 2010. Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of selenium. In: Ecological Assessment of Selenium in the Aquatic Environment. P.M. Chapman, W.J. Adams, M.L. Brooks, C.G. Delos, S.N. Luoma, W.A. Maher, H.M. Ohlendorf, T.S. Presser, and D.P. Shaw (eds.). SETAC Press, Pensacola, Florida. pp. 93-139.

3) Bielmyer, G.K. and M. Grosell. 2010. Emerging issue in marine metal toxicity. In: Essential Reviews in Experimental Biology. 2: 129-158. 

2) Grosell, M. 2007. Intestinal transport processes in marine fish osmoregulation. In: Fish Osmoregulation. B. Baldisserotto, J.M. Mancera, and B.G. Kapoor (eds.). Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire. pp. 333-357. 

1) Marshall W.S. and M. Grosell. 2005. Ion transport and osmoregulation in fish. In: The Physiology of Fishes. D. Evans, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 177-230. 
